Sunday, February 1, 2015

185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome

Responsible for…
Next time you update your resume, switch up a few of those common words and phrases.

185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome

Most resume bullet points start with the same words. Frankly, the same tired old words hiring managers have heard over and over—to the point where they’ve lost a lot of their meaning and don’t do much to show off your awesome accomplishments.

So, let’s get a little more creative, shall we? Next time you update your resume, switch up a few of those common words and phrases with strong, compelling action verbs that will catch hiring managers’ eyes.

185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome

No matter what duty or accomplishment you’re trying to show off, we’ve got just the verb for you. Check out the list below, and get ready to make your resume way more exciting.

You Led a Project

If you were in charge of a project or initiative from start to finish, skip “led” and instead try:

1. Chaired

2. Controlled

3. Coordinated

4. Executed

5. Headed

6. Operated

7. Orchestrated

8. Organized

9. Oversaw

10. Planned

11. Produced

12. Programmed

You Envisioned and Brought to Life a Project

And if you actually developed, created, or introduced that project into your company? Try:

13. Administered

14. Built

15. Charted

16. Created

17. Designed

18. Developed

19. Devised

20. Founded

21. Engineered

22. Established

23. Formalized

24. Formed

25. Formulated

26. Implemented

27. Incorporated

28. Initiated

29. Instituted

30. Introduced

31. Launched

32. Pioneered

33. Spearheaded

You Saved the Company Time or Money

Hiring managers love candidates who’ve helped a team operate more efficiently or cost-effectively. To show just how much you saved, try:

34. Conserved

35. Consolidated

36. Decreased

37. Deducted

38. Diagnosed

39. Lessened

40. Reconciled

41. Reduced

42. Yielded

You Increased Efficiency, Sales, Revenue, or Customer Satisfaction

Along similar lines, if you can show that your work boosted the company’s numbers in some way, you’re bound to impress. In these cases, consider:

43. Accelerated

44. Achieved

45. Advanced

46. Amplified

47. Boosted

48. Capitalized

49. Delivered

50. Enhanced

51. Expanded

52. Expedited

53. Furthered

54. Gained

55. Generated

56. Improved

57. Lifted

58. Maximized

59. Outpaced

60. Stimulated

61. Sustained

You Changed or Improved Something

So, you brought your department’s invoicing system out of the Stone Age and onto the interwebs? Talk about the amazing changes you made at your office with these words:

62. Centralized

63. Clarified

64. Converted

65. Customized

66. Influenced

67. Integrated

68. Merged

69. Modified

70. Overhauled

71. Redesigned

72. Refined

73. Refocused

74. Rehabilitated

75. Remodeled

76. Reorganized

77. Replaced

78. Restructured

79. Revamped

80. Revitalized

81. Simplified

82. Standardized

83. Streamlined

84. Strengthened

85. Updated

86. Upgraded

87. Transformed

You Managed a Team

Instead of reciting your management duties, like “Led a team…” or “Managed employees…” show what an inspirational leader you were, with terms like:

88. Aligned

89. Cultivated

90. Directed

91. Enabled

92. Facilitated

93. Fostered

94. Guided

95. Hired

96. Inspired

97. Mentored

98. Mobilized

99. Motivated

100. Recruited

101. Regulated

102. Shaped

103. Supervised

104. Taught

105. Trained

106. Unified

107. United

You Brought in Partners, Funding, or Resources

Were you “responsible for” a great new partner, sponsor, or source of funding? Try:

108. Acquired

109. Forged

110. Navigated

111. Negotiated

112. Partnered

113. Secured

You Supported Customers

Because manning the phones or answering questions really means you’re advising customers and meeting their needs, use:

114. Advised

115. Advocated

116. Arbitrated

117. Coached

118. Consulted

119. Educated

120. Fielded

121. Informed

122. Resolved

You Were a Research Machine

Did your job include research, analysis, or fact-finding? Mix up your verbiage with these words:

123. Analyzed

124. Assembled

125. Assessed

126. Audited

127. Calculated

128. Discovered

129. Evaluated

130. Examined

131. Explored

132. Forecasted

133. Identified

134. Interpreted

135. Investigated

136. Mapped

137. Measured

138. Qualified

139. Quantified

140. Surveyed

141. Tested

142. Tracked

You Wrote or Communicated

Was writing, speaking, lobbying, or otherwise communicating part of your gig? You can explain just how compelling you were with words like:

143. Authored

144. Briefed

145. Campaigned

146. Co-authored

147. Composed

148. Conveyed

149. Convinced

150. Corresponded

151. Counseled

152. Critiqued

153. Defined

154. Documented

155. Edited

156. Illustrated

157. Lobbied

158. Persuaded

159. Promoted

160. Publicized

161. Reviewed

You Oversaw or Regulated

Whether you enforced protocol or managed your department’s requests, describe what you really did, better, with these words:

162. Authorized

163. Blocked

164. Delegated

165. Dispatched

166. Enforced

167. Ensured

168. Inspected

169. Itemized

170. Monitored

171. Screened

172. Scrutinized

173. Verified

You Achieved Something

Did you hit your goals? Win a coveted department award? Don’t forget to include that on your resume, with words like:

174. Attained

175. Awarded

176. Completed

177. Demonstrated

178. Earned

179. Exceeded

180. Outperformed

181. Reached

182. Showcased

183. Succeeded

184. Surpassed

185. Targeted


Saturday, October 5, 2013

The History of Piano

The piano is the most popular instrument and the most complex mechanical device and is capable of fulfilling the player’s every musical desire. A piano is an instrument generally used for classical, jazz, solo performances, ensemble use or it is used in an orchestra as an accompaniment and chamber music. A piano is a popular tool for rehearsals and composing a certain music or song. The piano’s versatility made it as one of the famous familiar musical instrument in the world.

The word piano came from the Italian word “pianoforte” meaning instrument. The words “piano” and
“Forte” indicate “soft” and “strong” differently. Regarding to the variation in sound and volume produced by the instrument in response to the pianist’s touch on the keys, the greater the velocity of a key press, the greater the force of the hummer hitting the strings, it will produce the louder sound of the note. The piano as the pianoforte improved from clavichord and harpsichord around 1700 to 1720 by Bartolomeo Cristofori an Italian inventor from Padua, Italy as the keeper of instrument of Ferdinando de Macidi, the grand prince of Tuscany. He was an expert harpsichord maker and was well acquainted of knowledge and versatility on stringed keyboard instrument. A harpsichord is an instrument that is likely similar to piano but the only difference is it has a strings that are plucked rather than strunk. The manufacturer of the harpsichord was so determined to create an instrument that can have a better dynamics than that of the harpsichord. But then Bartolomeo Cristofari had an idea and the first to solve the problem.

From 1790’s to mid 1800’s, piano technology and sound was improved due to the invention of the new high quality steel called piano wire, and the ability to precisely cast iron frames called “plate”. The iron frame sits atop the hand board. The piano was formed as an attempt to combine both loudness with control and avoiding the trades-offs of available instrument. It was his great success to solve the mechanical piano design with no prior example. The hummer must strike the string with no further contact with it. The hummer must return to its rest position without bouncing violently. The tonal range of the piano increased from the five octaves of the pianoforte to the seven and more octaves found in the modern piano.

Cristofori early inventions on instrument were made with thin strings and more quite than the modern piano, they are much louder and had more sustain than clavichord. There are three Cristofori pianos:

* 1720 which is in Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

* 1722 from the Museo degli Strumente Musicali in Rome

* 1726 which is in Leipzig Germany

Years gone by before Cristofori’s invention had made public. Scipioe Maffie, an Italian journalist in 1709 had visited Cristofori, publishing drawings on the new designs two years later. Gottlieb Silbermann, an instrument builder built his own design after he saw the drawing of Cristofori. J.S Bach appraised and criticized Silbermann’s work that tends him to do some improvement in it, which he endorsed in 1740’s. In 1750’s and 60’s, political and economic problems occurred throughout Europe that limit the development of piano production and a lot of piano builders relocated to England where keyboard instrument building boomed. A separate and unique English style of action developed in 1766. There were two schools of piano making in the year 1780’s: the Viennese and the English school of piano making. The Viennese instruments are lighter, with light weight and simpler mechanism. Some composers were amazed by the Viennese “harpsichord with soft and loud” finding it increasingly responsive to player’s desires compared to accuracy required to play traditional harpsichord. The English method added weight to the sound through different methods. There were iron bars being added to the wooden framework so that strings could be made heavier. Its actions designed for limited repetition while satisfying the needs for greater volume. 

Instrument builders in both schools continued to improve the mechanics and structures of their instruments from the year 1700’s to 1800’s. From there, came Sebastian Erard, a Parisian who invented the “double escapement” or repetition mechanism. His extraordinary idea came up to a point that the hummer hit the string again before the key returned to its original position. This was conceptualized and patented in the year 1821. Some composers are longing to attain more power and expressiveness through piano, so instrument builders were doing their best to improve the mechanics and structure of piano by producing more volume. The whole structure became stronger and heavier. Strings became heavier and with that, it added tension to the frame. Also iron bars were added to the wooden timbers of the cases.

In 1885, an early American piano maker named Alpheus Babcock invented a full cast iron plate for square piano. Jonas Chickering developed Babcock’s work with full iron frame for the grand piano. He opened his piano company in Boston in the year 1823. From that time on, the creation of piano had become fast. More shapes and sizes had been created and produced over the previous century like light, small, square, upright, trapezoidal, and rectangular boxes to winged type. Improvements of piano over the period of time eventually led clearly to the grand piano we are using today with their 88 keys. We are now enjoying the full rich sound and its best structural integrity and strength.

Steinway & Sons produced the first strung piano in the year 1859, and by around 1870 the piano was very
similar to the piano of today. At last the instruments, composers and musicians had been waiting for is here. Since 1880, the piano had not change significantly in designs. In 1880, the middle class had arrived and the piano had been part of the household object.

The player mechanism was one of the best developments of piano. In
1890’s, the piano was then opularized because of it was a pneumatic device with the notes stored in a rolled paper. Eventually another improvement came out in the year 1904. The piano was capable of recoding not only which note to play, but also all aspect of dynamic expression of performance.

What is Inversion Therapy?

How Inversion Therapy can relieve Back Pain? What are the Benefits It Can Give to Our Body?

Many of us are curious about inversion therapy and how it can help us with our health especially the benefit it can give to our body. What is inversion therapy? Inversion therapy involves hanging upside down with the intention of therapeutic benefit. Inverting is the process of doing this kind of therapy. It can be done through hand balancing or via hanging. Hanging from a bar with the hands at the side is also a form of inversion. The gravitational pull may decompress the joints of the body below the anchor. Hanging with feet, as with gravity boots or using inversion table may cause each joint in the body to be loaded in an equal or in opposite manner to standing in an identical position of joint alignment. This kind of inversion therapy is often introduced as a relief for back pain.

During an occurrence of acid reflux, small amount of acid in the stomach escape from the stomach‘s doorway going to esophagus. But then, gravity keeps much of the acid in the stomach away from its doorway. However, gravity cannot its job on an inverted position. Combination of inversion table and acid reflux can be nauseating, very dangerous, and painful.

Is it true that inversion therapy is one way of relieving back pains? And how safe t is? Well inversion therapy doesn’t provide a long lasting relief for back pains. It involves hanging oneself upside down and the inverted position is not safe for those people suffering from hypertension, glaucoma and heart disease. When you remain inverted for a couple of minutes, your blood pressure increases and your heart beat slows. Also the pressure in your eyeball jumps dramatically. So if you have the above mentioned condition, try not to do inversion therapy to avoid any complications. Even pregnant women are in higher risk for the dangers related to inversion therapy. It is necessary to seek a medical professional’s advice regarding this matter if one is planning to do it. By doing it so, make sure that there is someone standing beside you whenever you need help in getting out from the apparatus or whenever problems may occur regarding your physical condition. Inversion therapy takes gravitational pressure off the nerve roots and disk in your spine and increasing the space between the vertebrae. In attempting to relieve the pain, inversion therapy is one of many examples where spinal traction is being done. Detailed research shows that spinal traction is not effective for a long term relief. Moreover, some people find traction temporarily helpful as a part of more comprehensive treatment program for lower back pain due to spinal disk compression.

Today, inversion therapy can no longer be called an alternative treatment because it has been a subject of a great deal of clinical studies. Inversion therapy has been proven to relieve many form of back and neck pains including:

1. Lower back pain

2. Neck pain

3. Herniated disc. It occurs when the outermost part of the disc begins to weaken and the inner soft part start to press outward. Most common cause of herniated disc is trauma and muscle imbalances called postural dysfunction

4. Bulging disc. Is a fairly common affliction that causes pain to individual in all ages. It is caused by weakening in a vertebral disc which causes the disc to bulge outwards. The occurrence is very common so there are lots of medical treatment can be recommended to treat this condition including inversion therapy.

5. Spondylolisthesis is the anterior or posterior displacement of vertebral column in relation to the vertebrae below. This “slips” most commonly occur in the lumbar spine.

6. Sciatica. Is also known as lumbar radiculopathy is a pain caused by general compression or irritation of five spinal nerve roots of each sciatic nerve or of left and right or both sciatic nerve. Sciatica is a common form of lower back pain and leg pain. Lower back pain, buttock pain, and numbness or weakness on the different parts of the foot. Difficulty in moving or controlling the leg and foot is also one of the many symptoms of sciatica.

7. Pulled back muscle

8. SI joint dysfunction. SI joints have a cartilage layer covering the bone like most joints in the body. The cartilage allows some movement and serves as the shock absorber. When the cartilage is damage the bones will rub on each other that lead to degenerative arthritis. This is the most common cause of SI joint dysfunction.

Here are some benefits inversion therapy can give to back pain sufferers. Here are some reasons to use inversion therapy:

  • Maintain your height. Inversion helps you avoid the shrinkage due to the result of gravity pull as we aged.
  • Improves circulation. Gravity is of great help and aided the blood circulation rather than your body is working against it. With inversion, gravity helps in minimizing the pain of stiff muscles, also gravity help the lymphatic system clear faster.
  • Relieves stress. Full body stretch is rejuvenating. If you experienced yoga, inversion therapy gives the same feeling with less efforts being used in it. With regular inversion therapy, some people feel that they experience better sleep.
  • Improves posture. The stretching that comes with inversion helps you sit, stand and move with ease and grace.
  • Realign the spine after workout. Running, walking, biking and other aerobic activities unavoidably compress your spine- most of the time unevenly. There are also one sided activities that often pull the spine out of the alignment like tennis and golf. Minor misalignment often corrects themselves naturally during inversion.
  • Increases flexibility and range of motion. With inversion, your joints remain healthy and your body become flexible. With this, you can leave an active and energetic way of living throughout your life.
  • Heightens mental alertness. Activities involving inversion (upside down activities) increase the supply of oxygen in the brain. Experts believe that enough oxygen in the brain helps maintain mental sharpness.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Important Things To Remember About Heart Disease

Heart disease is a common medical condition most of us are facing nowadays. It is known as a silent killer because once it attacks you, you can never escape. It is also a threat to humans life once you have it. Heart disease is a broad term. It can be in the arteries, the heart muscles or in the valves within the heart that supply blood to the other parts of the body. Other type of heart disease is the Coronary heart disease. This kind of medical condition is the leading cause of death to men and women in the entire world. This disease stops the arteries to supply blood in the heart muscle causing the artery or specifically the coronary artery to harden and narrow due to the building up of fatty substance known as plaque. The building of plaque in the artery is called atherosclerosis. Since the artery is already blocked by a plaque, the blood flow become restricted, decreasing amount of oxygen being distributed to the heart muscle and eventually it will lead to angina and heart attack. If the condition will continue, it will be complicated and weaken the heart muscle and will result to other condition like arrhythmias or abnormal heart rhythm and heart failure. Watch out for other complications of CAD like chest pain and heart attack.

Congenital heart disease is the kind of heart disease being acquired before birth. Usually it affects the formation of the heart muscles, valves or chamber. This kind of heart disease is hereditary, meaning it can be passed from one generation to another. It can also be caused by such infections like German measles acquired by a mother during her pregnancy.

Like congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy is also a heart condition that affects the muscle of the heart. It may be genetic or caused by viral infection. It may be cause by specific condition like hypertension, CAD, or heart valve disease and diseases affecting other organs.

Valvular disease is a heart disease affecting the valves of the heart. It leads to leaking of the valves, narrowing of the valves and improper closing of the valves.

Heart failure is another heart condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough supply of blood to the body organs and tissues. Signs and symptoms are shortness of breath, excessive fluid retention in the body tissues, tiredness and fatigue, increase heart rate, nausea and sweating, chest pain etc.

Here are some simple things to remember to prevent heart disease from getting worst:
  • Quit smoking 
  • Get a regular exercise 
  • Have time to relax 
  • Cut out carbohydrates rich food like pasta and chips 
  • Cut out sugar 
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables 

Remember that heart attack is a silent killer, be sure to be aware of the signs and symptom of heart disease and follow some simple tips to prevent, cure and stop heart disease from taking out once life.

Is Kidney Failure a Terminal Illness?

The term “renal” derived from the Latin word for kidney. The kidneys are located in the abdomen towards the back, on on each side of the spine. Kidneys play an important role in our system. Its vital role is not just filtering the blood that flows throughout the body and getting rid of the waste products, also the kidneys are responsible in controlling the blood pressure and stimulate production of red blood cells. they have the ability to monitor the amount of body fluid in the body. They filter waste products of the body metabolism like urea from protein metabolism and uric acid from DNA breakdown. They are also responsible in the concentration of electrolyte like potassium and sodium and the acid-base balance of the body.

A first kidney failure is not showing any signs and symptoms As the kidneys decrease its ability to function normally, the symptoms are related to to the inability to regulate water and electrolyte balances to filter waste product in the body and promote red blood cells production. Weakness, shortness of breath, abnormal drowsiness and generalized swelling may seen. Another signs and symptoms of renal failure are hyperkalemia, arrhythmia, increase urea level in the blood, encephalopathy which is caused by uremia which affects the function of organs ranging from the brain with alteration of thinking. general weakness caused by anemia a decrease red blood cell count, lose of appetite, lethargy and fatigue due to accumulation of waste products in the blood. Eventually mental function will decrease that will result to coma. Since the body has a rising acid loads in the body, breathing becomes more rapid as the lungs are trying to buffer the acidity by blowing off carbon dioxide. Because of too much fluid in the body,it will accumulate and deposited in the lungs, that will result to congestive heart failure.

Diet plays an important role to those patients with impaired kidney function. Since the kidneys cannot easily eliminate excess fluid, salt and potassium in the body, these may be consumed in moderation. Example of foods containing high in potassium and salts are banana, apricots and salt substitute. Also foods rich in phosphorus should be taken in moderation by persons having renal failure. phosphorus is a chemical associated with calcium and may be elevated in the body by kidney failure. Example of these are milk, nuts, cheese and cola. Too much of this chemical in the body can leach calcium in the bones that cause fracture and osteoporosis.

Here are some medications that can somehow control the issue associated with kidney failure.

1. Blood pressure medication

2. Phosphorus lowering medication

3. Iron supplements

4. Red blood cells production stimulation

5. Vitamins

Once the kidneys dysfunction completely, dialysis and kidney transplant are the only option one can do.

How to Maintain Good Eating Habit for Children

Parents have a big role in keeping their children healthy. This is one of their ultimate goals, and once achieved, no one can ever compare the feeling of knowing and seeing that your children are enjoying the gift of good health. Children with good health are those who are active in their daily life activities not just physically but mentally as well. As your children grow, there are lots of things a parent should learn and must do in keeping them healthy.

First, developing a good eating habit for growing children should be monitored by most parents. Let your children enjoy, and make them understand the importance of eating nutritious foods. Of course it should be done together with daily physical activities. Show them that what you are telling to them comes first from you by setting yourself as an example. The key to healthy living are eating variety of healthy and balance food like vegetables, fruits, foods rich in carbohydrates and protein rich food. Drink water to quench your thirst. Limit foods that are high in saturated fats, sodium, sugar and cholesterol.

Here are some important tips on how to help your children develop healthy eating habits and be physically healthy:
  • Spending time eating with your family specifically with your kids with nutritious food on the table is a big help for them to enjoy the food that you serve. Make sure that you set time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
  • Be aware and make sure that you monitor your children’s meals or snacks and their physical activities so that you can balance the amount of nutritious intake of your children as well as their physical activities that they perform. 
  • Choose a variety of foods. Make sure that you serve different kinds of nutritious food on the table since no single food can provide all the nutrients needed in the body. Encourage each member of the family to eat nutritious food every single day. These include bright colored fruits and vegetables, a glass of fresh fruit juice and vegetables. Salad can be served for lunch. Some fruits for snacks in the afternoon. A slice of an apple will do. 
  • When shopping, limit yourself in buying unhealthy food such as candies, chocolates, junk foods and soda. Instead, purchase group of foods that are included in the food pyramid like GO, GLOW and GROW foods. 
  • Educate your kids about nutritious food and its vital role in our body 
  • Never offer to substitute an unhealthy food if your kids refused to eat what you have served. 

There are lots of things parents can do to keep their children healthy. Choosing the right food, proper nutrition and perfect education are enough to help your children combat the challenge of life. Bear in mind that the key to obtain the goal of keeping children healthy is in the hands of a responsible parents.

Facts About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most known diseases in men. This kind of cancer may not cause any symptoms at the early age, but it is possible for early aged men to have prostate cancer. It is most common in men ages 65 and older. More than half of all men have seen with prostate cancer at the age of 80. Prostate cancer is always diagnose at early stages. Cancer cells are only found in the prostate in its early stage. Unlike any other cancer, prostate cancers progresses very slowly and it will take 10 to 30 years before a prostate tumor becomes big enough to cause a symptoms or for a physicians to diagnose it.

Signs of prostate cancer can be found during your regular PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) and DRE ( Digital Rectal Exam) It is necessary to men to have regular examination and ask a medical professionals about any unusual signs and symptoms of prostate cancer.

It is necessary to know the symptoms if one has a prostate cancer. symptoms may include:
  • Frequent urination 
  • Trouble starting or holding back urination 
  • Inability to urinate 
  • Blood in the urine or semen 
  • Interrupted flow of urine 
  • Painful ejaculation 
  • Frequent pain in lower back, hip and upper thigh 
  • Painful urination 

There are no causes of prostate cancer. But there are factors that lead men to a higher risk of having prostate cancer such as age and genetics. Men younger than 40 years old have a very low cases of prostate cancer. After age 50, the chances of having this disease increased rapidly and 2 out of 3 prostate cancers are found in men over 65 years old. Race is also one factor. This disease often occurs in African-American men than in men in other races. It is always found in Northwestern Europe, North America, Australia and in Caribbean Islands. It is also inherited but only in small cases. Vasectomy in some cases may have a slightly risk of prostate cancer. Family history and diet can also be factors in acquiring prostate cancer.