Friday, October 4, 2013

Facts About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most known diseases in men. This kind of cancer may not cause any symptoms at the early age, but it is possible for early aged men to have prostate cancer. It is most common in men ages 65 and older. More than half of all men have seen with prostate cancer at the age of 80. Prostate cancer is always diagnose at early stages. Cancer cells are only found in the prostate in its early stage. Unlike any other cancer, prostate cancers progresses very slowly and it will take 10 to 30 years before a prostate tumor becomes big enough to cause a symptoms or for a physicians to diagnose it.

Signs of prostate cancer can be found during your regular PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) and DRE ( Digital Rectal Exam) It is necessary to men to have regular examination and ask a medical professionals about any unusual signs and symptoms of prostate cancer.

It is necessary to know the symptoms if one has a prostate cancer. symptoms may include:
  • Frequent urination 
  • Trouble starting or holding back urination 
  • Inability to urinate 
  • Blood in the urine or semen 
  • Interrupted flow of urine 
  • Painful ejaculation 
  • Frequent pain in lower back, hip and upper thigh 
  • Painful urination 

There are no causes of prostate cancer. But there are factors that lead men to a higher risk of having prostate cancer such as age and genetics. Men younger than 40 years old have a very low cases of prostate cancer. After age 50, the chances of having this disease increased rapidly and 2 out of 3 prostate cancers are found in men over 65 years old. Race is also one factor. This disease often occurs in African-American men than in men in other races. It is always found in Northwestern Europe, North America, Australia and in Caribbean Islands. It is also inherited but only in small cases. Vasectomy in some cases may have a slightly risk of prostate cancer. Family history and diet can also be factors in acquiring prostate cancer.

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